Vincent Vonschert
Insider Threat Analyst (MCCInTP)
Vincent Vonschert currently serves as an insider threat mid-level analyst supporting the Marine
Corps Counter Insider Threat Program (MCCInTP). Vincent joined the Sancorp team in May of 2021.
Since coming aboard Vincent has excelled at every task that he has been assigned be it training or
operational support of the counter insider threat mission. With regards to training, Vincent
successfully earned his Certified Counter-Insider Threat Professional (CCITP) Fundamentals and
Analysis Certifications on his first attempt. This is no small achievement. The CCITP Fundamentals
and Analysis Certifications are the gold standard qualifications for insider threat professionals, and
both have an exceptionally high first attempt failure rate. Operationally, Vincent has demonstrated a
mastery of the insider threat analytic tradecraft enabling him to complete tasks routinely assigned to
senior insider threat analysts.
Recently, Vincent had the opportunity to demonstrate his versatility by assuming the Analytic Triage
function normally performed by one of the Program’s Civilian Senior Insider Threat Analyst. Vincent
assumed this critical duty on short notice and with minimal training. For a period of 60-days Vincent
successfully triaged the Program’s analytic workload with no loss to operational momentum. Upon
return, the Civilian Senior Analyst was so impressed by Vincent’s performance that he requested
Vincent be assigned to analytic triage permanently. Vincent’s efforts demonstrated the flexibility,
professionalism, and can-do spirit that Sancorp brings to the fight.